Interacting with Smart Contracts

Use Seitrace to Read and Write to Smart Contracts

Once a contract is verified, its methods are exposed, and direct interaction is possible through Seitrace.

Read contract

Read actions allow you to check various contract attributes. Connecting a web3 wallet is required to make a query, but queries do not require a transaction or any gas costs.

  1. Find the contract address:

    • Locate and enter the contract address you want to interact with into the search bar on Seitrace.

  2. Navigate to the contract page:

    • Select the first option in the search results, which takes you to the token page.

    • For more detailed information, click through to the contract page.

  3. Verify contract code:

    • Scroll down past the contract details to see if the code is verified (indicated by a checkmark ✅).

    • If the code is not verified, you cannot read or write to the contract unless a verified contract with the same bytecode is found in the Seitrace database.

  4. Proxy Implementation:

    • If the contract is a proxy implementation, you will see options to read/write to the contract or the proxy. A proxy means the contract is upgradeable, and the admin can set a new proxy address for the primary contract if upgrades are needed.

  5. Interact with Contract Methods:

    • Various methods within the contract are visible. Some show current values, while others are queryable.

    • For example, to query the balanceOf method:

      • Fill out the _owner (address) field.

      • Click on "Query".

      • Seitrace will execute the query and return the result under the function.

Write Contract

To write to a contract, follow similar steps as above but with the additional requirement of paying gas fees for transactions:

  1. Find and navigate to the contract:

    • Enter the contract address in the search bar.

    • Click through to the contract page from the search results.

  2. Verify contract code:

    • Ensure the contract code is verified.

  3. Proxy Implementation:

    • If applicable, decide whether to interact with the contract or the proxy.

  4. Interact with contract methods:

    • Connect your wallet with MetaMask.

    • Fill out the necessary fields for the method you wish to write to. (example on function _safeMint)

    • Click on "Write" and confirm the transaction in your wallet (Metamask).

    • The transaction will be sent to the blockchain, and you will receive a transaction hash once completed.

Last updated