
Proposal list page


  • Total Proposals: Displays the total number of proposals submitted on the SEI blockchain.

  • Active Proposals: Shows the number of proposals currently open for voting.

  • Passed: Indicates the number of proposals that have been approved.

  • Rejected & Failed: Lists the number of proposals that were either rejected or failed.

Active Proposals

This section lists all proposals currently open for voting, allowing users to participate in the decision-making process.

Voting: We will build this feature later. You can vote on:

All proposals

This section includes all proposals from the SEI blockchain, their status includes:

  • In Deposit Period: Proposals awaiting sufficient deposits.

  • In Voting Period: Active proposals available for voting.

  • Passed: Proposals that have been approved.

  • Rejected: Proposals that have been turned down.

  • Failed: Proposals that did not pass.

  • Not Enough Deposit: Proposals lacking the required deposit.

Each proposal entry includes:

  • ID: The unique identifier of the proposal.

  • Title & Type: The name and type of the proposal.

  • Status: The current state of the proposal.

  • Voting Ends: The deadline for voting.

  • Proposed By: The address of the proposer.

Users can click "View" to see more details of each proposal.

User can also filter by status or search by proposal ID or proposal title.

Proposal details

Overview Information

  • Proposal ID: The unique identifier of the proposal.

  • Proposal Name: The name of the proposal.

  • Status: The current state of the proposal.

  • Most Vote On: Shows the option with the most votes: Yes, No, Veto, Abstain.

  • Turnout/Quorum: The participation rate in the voting process.

  • Type: The type of proposal.

  • Create Tx: The transaction hash where the proposal was created.

  • Vote options and their voted:

    • Yes: Agree with the proposal.

    • No: Disagree with the proposal.

    • No, with Veto: Strongly disagree with the proposal and request the deposit to be burned.

    • Abstain: Choose not to vote either for or against the proposal but still participate in the governance process.

Details Tab

Displays detailed information about the proposal: Title, Type, Description, Details, Voting Start, Voting End, Submit Time, Deposit End, Total Deposit

Votes Tab

  • Recent Votes: Lists recent votes from users and validators. Includes each address's vote choice and transaction hash for details.

  • Validator Votes: Displays all validators and their votes. Shows each validator's vote choice and transaction hash for further details.

Depositors tab

Shows a list of depositors and their deposit amounts. Includes transaction hashes for each deposit, allowing for detailed exploration.

Last updated