
Transaction list

Basic Stats

Display essential statistics about transactions:

  • Completed transactions: The number of transactions with success status.

  • Total transactions: The total number of transactions including: pending, dropped, replaced, failed and success status.

Transaction list

Provide a comprehensive list of transactions, covering both EVM and Native SEI. Each transaction entry should include:

  • Transaction hash: The unique identifier of the transaction.

  • Associated transaction hash: The hash of the associated transaction, if applicable.

  • Status: The current status of the transaction (e.g., pending, success, failed).

  • Type & method: The type of the transaction (e.g., coin transfer, token transfer, contract call, contract creation, token burning, token creation, token minting, transaction) and method of transaction.

  • Block: The block number in which the transaction is included.

  • From/To: The sender and recipient addresses of the transaction.

  • SEI Value: The value transferred in SEI.

  • Fee SEI: The transaction fee in SEI.


  • Tab EVM: Displays transactions on the EVM.

  • Tab Native SEI: Displays transactions on Native SEI.

By organizing transactions into these tabs and providing detailed information, users can easily navigate and understand transaction activities across both environments.

Transaction details

EVM transaction

On EVM transactions, show:

  • Details tab: display the following detailed fields: Associated trx hash, Transaction hash, Status and method, Block, Timestamp, Transaction action, From, To/Interacted with contract, Token transferred, Token burnt, Token minted, Value, Transaction fee, Gas price, Gas usage & limit by txn, Gas fees, Burnt fee, Raw input and Decoded input data. Each field is defined by the included tooltip.

  • Token transfers tab: display list of token transfers transactions

  • Internal txns tab: Show the transfers of SEI carried out through a smart contract as an intermediary.

  • Logs tab: Display the logs exposed from the blockchain, detailing events and actions taken during the transaction.

  • State tab: Display the changes in balance resulting from the transaction.

By organizing these details into clear categories, users can easily access and understand the comprehensive information related to each EVM transaction.

Native SEI transaction

On Native SEI transactions, show:

  • Details tab: display the following detailed fields: Associated trx hash, Transaction hash, Status and method, Block, Timestamp, Memo, Messages & their details, Signed by, Value, Transaction fee, Gas price, Gas usage & limit by txn. Each field is defined by the included tooltip.

  • Token transfers tab: display list of token transfers transactions

  • Logs tab: Display the logs exposed from the blockchain, detailing events and actions taken during the transaction.

By organizing these details into clear categories, users can easily access and understand the comprehensive information related to each SEI transaction.

Last updated