EVM <> Wasm interoperability
Seitrace supports seamless EVM and Wasm interoperability.
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Seitrace supports seamless EVM and Wasm interoperability.
Last updated
EVM and Cosmos based applications co-exist on Sei, but live in different execution environments. This creates a challenge for users, who use wallets that typically only support a single execution environment. Likewise for devlelopers, existing tooling and libraries can only interact with either EVM or Wasm (Think EthersJS vs CosmJS).
To bridge the gap between EVM and Wasm, Sei has introduced novel interoperability features, allowing for smooth and easy interactions between both environments. These features will enable all contracts deployed to Sei to be accessible by tools and wallets from both environments.
Read more: https://v2.docs.sei.io/interoperability/overview
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